Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Amazing Advance Website Page Rank Explosion In Less than 45 Days

Could this new website automation software be the key to the holy grail of high Google Page Ranks? Recently updated and optimized, Ultimate Blog Machine could be the key to your site being flooded with qualified search engine traffic.

Brisbane, Qld, Australia (PRWEB) May 31, 2006 -- Finally a simple to implement web optimisation system has been released to the eager SEO community. With less then 20 minutes work your site can be flooded with rank pushing, keyword rich incoming links. All totally automated, all able to be turned on or off, but why would you, at the click of a button.

Imagine the amazement of one user of the Ultimate Blog Machine software when he started with a brand new domain and 45 days later discovering he had a top ranking on this new domain with an amazing page rank of six (6). To gain such a rapid increase in page rank is something that the average webmaster would only dreams of. Could this be a powerful solution that you could use?

Constantly updating to the ever changing search engine environment has proven to be robust and effective. Backed up with top class customer support, and accommodation to the customers wished you too can be standing on the cutting edge of search engine optimisation technology.

Now available with unlimited domain usage and exclusive patent pending acceleration technology Ultimate Blog Machine is ahead of the game in creation of high quality back links and spider activity.

In this day competition is highly competitive with page rank being the deciding factor in winning in the search engines vs. loss to the bottom pages of the search engine stack.

If you are a webmaster be it beginner or professional I would urge you to seek out and explore the technology that is now available with The Ultimate Blog Machine.

To see a full report of the amazing first 72 hours of a brand new domain on the “steroids” of this amazing product but sure to study the report available to you at

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

PRESS RELEASE - TopRank Online Marketing SEO Designer Named to 2006 WebAwards Judging Panel

Leading web site awards program adds SEO Designer, Thomas McMahon from TopRank Online Marketing, to its roster of judges.

Minneapolis, MN, May 30, 2006 –(PR.COM)– The Web Marketing Association is pleased to announce that TopRank Online Marketing’s Thomas McMahon has been selected as a judge of the 10th annual international WebAward competition for Web site development. The WebAwards is the standards-defining competition that sets industry benchmarks based on the seven criteria of a successful Web site. It recognizes the individual and team achievements of Web professionals who create and maintain outstanding Web sites.

"Unlike other awards, the WebAwards is not a beauty pageant where only the design and name recognition is important," said William Rice, president of the Web Marketing Association. "For the past decade, the WebAwards has used a quantitative judging formula based on seven criteria to evaluate benchmark and set industry standards for Web site development. Thomas McMahon will play a critical role in setting the standard for Internet excellence by applying his expertise to each site he adjudicates."

Says McMahon, “We want to recognize web sites for outstanding design, usability and quality. Most sites don’t put enough thought into the end-users’ experience or into search engine friendliness. Some sites have good usability, bad design. Some have good design, bad usability. It’s those that offer both that should be recognized.”

Thomas McMahon has worked for TopRank Online Marketing for the past year and a half as a SEO Designer, optimizing existing web sites and blogs, creating search engine friendly designs for new web sites as well as creating a number of blog marketing tools, WordPress plug-ins and FireFox add-ons. Prior to TopRank, McMahon worked with a web design agency for 5 years providing expertise in web design and Flash.

TopRank Online Marketing President, Lee Odden adds, "I’m very proud to see Thomas participate in such a highly regarded program. The standards he’s set for our clients’ will certainly benefit the web sites he will be tasked to evaluate for the WebAwards competition."

The 2006 WebAward judges consist of a select group of Internet professionals who have direct experience designing and managing Web sites – including members of the media, interactive creative directors, corporate marketing managers, site designers, content providers and webmasters – with an in-depth understanding of the current state-of-the-art in Web site development and technology. Judging for this year’s awards will take place in July and August, with winners announced in September.

About TopRank Online Marketing

TopRank Online Marketing is an industry leading search marketing agency offering integrated search engine optimization, online public relations and blog marketing services. TopRank has been listed as a top ten world-wide SEO firm by and Promotion World and is the only Minnesota search marketing firm included in Marketing Sherpa’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization Firms. TopRank is a member of the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (, the Search Engine Marketing Council of the Direct Marketing Association (, and holds a Board of Directors position for the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association (

About the WebAwards
The 10th annual international WebAwards competition sets the standard of excellence in 96 industry categories by evaluating Web sites and defining benchmarks based on the seven essential criteria of successful Web site development. The goal of the Web Marketing Association, sponsor of the WebAwards, is to provide a forum to recognize the people and organizations responsible for developing some of the most effective Web sites on the Internet today. Entrants benefit from a Web site assessment by a professional judging panel and the marketing opportunities presented to an award-winning Web site.

see related topic:

Monday, May 29, 2006

SEO & Search Engine SPAM Identifier

It’s tempting to put together a keyword seeded site, URL, and folder system to try to speed up you rank on major top search engines, or have a history of ranking such sites in their top results in a short period of time. But in a run term your site is identify as a search engine spam in the future.
Some identifications:

* URL name - does it have 12 dashes in it? Is it a subdomain off something totally unrelate SPAM!
* folder names - are the exceedingly long and/or redundant? SPAM!
* file names - are they redundant with the file paths and long? SPAM!
* page titles, headers and content - are they so keyword rich that it is illegible? SPAM!
* design - does it look like a 4 year old put it together? does the design not match the site? are the colors just ugly? SPAM!
* graphics - do you use the a similar graphic to what most spammers in your industry use? SPAM!
* ad placement - is the ad block floated left inline with the content area? SPAM!
* outbound links - does it only link to crap off topic sites that link back? Is there a huge irrelevant link exchange area? SPAM!

Why is it important to consider the above spammy signals? Search is self reinforcing. If just a few people who would have linked at your site do not because one of the above spam signals then you may never rise to the top to reap the fruits of a self reinforcing top ranked position.

The way Aaron writes is straight-forward and to the point. He covers ground from beginner level to advanced level, imparting knowledge in such a way that really offends those of us who took years learning what he is giving away for less than $100." - John Scott, V7N

Quick Indications of Low Quality Search Spam.

Your SEO Service, Ethical SEO, and Competitor Monitoring

According to Scott Buresh as posted on his article
-"When a company undertakes a search engine optimization program, whether it is performed in-house or outsourced to an SEO service, most of the attention (and rightly so) is focused on the company website. This is the one aspect where there is a feeling of control—once a website is released into the wild, the company will have to see how its site fares against all the other websites out there, whether the other sites are using ethical SEO tactics or not.

Apart from changes made to the company website, the assumption is often that the company and, if it is using one, its SEO service, has zero control over what appears in search engine results. However, this is not usually the case. Often, you or your SEO service can have a direct effect on search engine results by monitoring your competitors and reporting them to the major search engines when the SEO techniques used on their site fall outside what is popularly referred to as ethical SEO. (Please note that while I believe that the word “ethical” is tossed around too often, “ethical SEO” has become the standard phrase to describe white hat techniques, and so it is the phrase I use throughout the article.)

Primary Competitors

To start with, let’s define competitors. Almost every company has at least a handful of other companies that it considers to be primary competitors—the ones that sell the same products and services, that are of similar size, and so on. It is important that the SEO efforts (or lack thereof) of these competitors, whether they are using ethical SEO techniques or not, be monitored on a routine basis. If they have not hired an SEO service of their own, or if they have not started doing SEO in-house at all, you will have peace of mind knowing that the use of this channel, for the moment, is yours. If your competitors begin an SEO campaign, with or without an outside SEO service, you can learn much about their sales and marketing tactics by evaluating the keyphrases that they target. And you can also investigate whether they are using ethical SEO practices in their campaign.

Your Online Competitors

It’s important to keep in mind that it is unlikely that searchers are going to decide only between you and the primary competitors you have listed. They are going to consider any company that matches their particular needs and that shows up for their search term. This is why your criteria for a competitor online should broaden to encompass any company that offers products or services like yours that outranks you for any of your targeted keyphrases. If your in-house staff or your SEO service not only continually monitors your search engine positions but also analyzes the companies that appear above you in search results, you can often identify forward-looking competitors of which you were previously unaware—your primary competitors of tomorrow.


This brings us to the key issue of ethical SEO. Search engine optimization is still a very new concept to most companies. Even the most respected companies can make mistakes in this arena, either by choosing the wrong SEO service, or by trying to avoid hiring an SEO service altogether by bringing it in house with well-intentioned but unqualified people. For example, BMW’s German site was recently removed temporarily from the Google index for using doorway pages—something that is not considered an ethical SEO practice. It stands to reason that your competitors are also not immune to violations.


A thorough SEO service will monitor not only the handful of competitors that you deem crucial but also the sites that appear higher than you for any of your chosen search phrases. This may be somewhat controversial, especially to any SEO service or webmaster that uses tactics forbidden by the search engines’ terms of service. However, many white hat SEO service firms consider it an obligation to their clients to routinely monitor the sites of any competitor found on the engines to be sure it is using ethical SEO techniques.

There is a reason that every major search engine has a form to report sites who do not use ethical SEO tactics and who violate the terms of service so that these sites can be subsequently penalized or removed. Spam filters cannot catch all violations without also removing a large number of good sites. Search engines rely on their users to help them to keep their indexes clean and free of sites not using ethical SEO tactics. There are many techniques to spam an engine—far too many to list. However, a good SEO service not only knows what all of these techniques are but knows how to identify them when it sees them so they can be reported to the engine accurately.

The engine also benefits from users reporting violations. Engines do not like people trying to trick their indexes, since there might then be pages showing up for particular search terms that are not actually relevant to those terms. Clearly, search engines understand this benefit—if the engines thought they could weed out all the spam themselves, they would not provide a reporting system. Supporting such a system, after all, is not free. Real people employed by the engine have to visit the offending pages to confirm that they are not using ethical SEO tactics.

In the notable example cited earlier of the firm that got most of its clients penalized, the owner of the SEO service in question was quoted as saying, “Google can kiss my ass. This is the Wild Wild West.” He may be right—maybe it is the Wild Wild West. But there are a whole bunch of new sheriffs in town—and they are wearing white hats."